You are given an array of strings words
and a string chars
A string is good if it can be formed by characters from chars (each character can only be used once).
Return the sum of lengths of all good strings in words.
Example 1:
Input: words = [ "cat ", "bt ", "hat ", "tree "], chars = "atach " Output: 6 Explanation: The strings that can be formed are "cat " and "hat " so the answer is 3 + 3 = 6.
Example 2:
Input: words = [ "hello ", "world ", "leetcode "], chars = "welldonehoneyr " Output: 10 Explanation: The strings that can be formed are "hello " and "world " so the answer is 5 + 5 = 10.
1 <= words.length <= 1000
1 <= words[i].length, chars.length <= 100
and chars
consist of lowercase English letters.program main
implicit none
integer :: i, j
character(len=:), allocatable :: words(:)
character(len=:), allocatable :: chars
integer :: n_words, n_chars
integer :: result
! read input
read(*,*) n_words
do i = 1, n_words
read(*,*) words(i)
end do
read(*,*) n_chars
do i = 1, n_chars
read(*,*) chars(i)
end do
! solve problem
result = good_strings(words, chars)
! print output
write(*,*) result
function good_strings(words, chars) result(sum)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: words(:)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
integer :: sum
integer :: i, j
sum = 0
do i = 1, size(words)
do j = 1, len(words(i))
if (index(chars, words(i)(j:j)) /= 0) then
sum = sum + len(words(i))
end if
end do
end do
end function good_strings
end program main
temp.f95:12:13: 12 | allocate(words(n_words)) | 1 Error: Allocate-object at (1) with a deferred type parameter requires either a type-spec or SOURCE tag or a MOLD tag temp.f95:17:19: 17 | allocate(chars(n_chars)) | 1 Error: Shape specification for allocatable scalar at (1) temp.f95:19:24: 19 | read(*,*) chars(i) | 1 Error: Syntax error in READ statement at (1)
program solve
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, l
character(len=1000) :: words(1000)
character(len=100) :: chars
integer :: n, m
integer :: count
! Read input
read(*,*) n
do i = 1, n
read(*,*) words(i)
end do
read(*,*) chars
read(*,*) m
! Initialize count
count = 0
! Iterate over words
do i = 1, n
! Iterate over characters in word
do j = 1, len_trim(words(i))
! Check if character is in chars
do k = 1, len_trim(chars)
if (words(i)(j:j) == chars(k:k)) then
! Increment count if character is in chars
count = count + 1
end if
end do
end do
end do
! Print output
write(*,*) count
end program solve
At line 11 of file temp.f95 (unit = 5, file = 'stdin') Fortran runtime error: End of file Error termination. Backtrace: #0 0x7dc686ea8960 in ??? #1 0x7dc686ea94d9 in ??? #2 0x7dc6870fd17b in ??? #3 0x7dc6870f6684 in ??? #4 0x7dc6870f72aa in ??? #5 0x5b4e8231522f in MAIN__ #6 0x5b4e82315553 in main
def num_tile_possibilities(tiles: str) -> int:
freq = [0] * 26
for c in tiles:
freq[ord(c) - ord('A')] += 1
def dfs(freq):
result = 0
for i in range(26):
if freq[i] > 0:
freq[i] -= 1
result += 1 + dfs(freq)
freq[i] += 1
return result
return dfs(freq)
First, calculate the frequency of each character in the input string tiles
. Next, use depth-first search to explore all possible combinations of characters by decrementing the frequency of the current character, adding all the possible combinations for the remaining characters, and then restoring the frequency count for backtracking purposes. The final result will be the total count of all possible non-empty sequences.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int numTilePossibilities(std::string tiles) {
std::vector<int> freq(26, 0);
for (char c : tiles) {
freq[c - 'A']++;
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (freq[i]) {
result += 1 + numTilePossibilities(tiles);
return result;
First, calculate the frequency of each character in the input string tiles
. Next, use depth-first search to explore all possible combinations of characters by decrementing the frequency of the current character, adding all the possible combinations for the remaining characters, and then restoring the frequency count for backtracking purposes. The final result will be the total count of all possible non-empty sequences.