Given an array nums
of integers, return how many of them contain an even number of digits.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [12,345,2,6,7896] Output: 2 Explanation: 12 contains 2 digits (even number of digits). 345 contains 3 digits (odd number of digits). 2 contains 1 digit (odd number of digits). 6 contains 1 digit (odd number of digits). 7896 contains 4 digits (even number of digits). Therefore only 12 and 7896 contain an even number of digits.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [555,901,482,1771] Output: 1 Explanation: Only 1771 contains an even number of digits.
1 <= nums.length <= 500
1 <= nums[i] <= 105
program main
! Solve the problem described in the task
implicit none
integer :: i, n
integer, parameter :: nums(5) = [12, 345, 2, 6, 7896]
integer, parameter :: expected_result = 2
print '(A)', 'Testing example 1:'
call test_example(nums, expected_result)
print '(A)', 'Testing example 2:'
n = size(nums)
nums(n+1) = 555
call test_example(nums, 1)
subroutine test_example(nums, expected_result)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nums(:), expected_result
integer :: result
result = count_even_digits(nums)
if (result == expected_result) then
print '(A,I0)', 'Passed! Result is ', result
print '(A,I0)', 'Failed! Expected result is ', expected_result
end if
end subroutine test_example
function count_even_digits(nums) result(count)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nums(:)
integer :: count, digit, i
count = 0
do i = 1, size(nums)
digit = modulo(nums(i), 10)
if (digit == 0 .or. digit == 2 .or. digit == 4 .or. &
digit == 6 .or. digit == 8) then
count = count + 1
end if
end do
end function count_even_digits
end program main
temp.f95:14:13: 14 | allocate(nums(n+1)) | 1 Error: Allocate-object at (1) must be ALLOCATABLE or a POINTER temp.f95:15:4: 15 | nums(n+1) = 555 | 1 Error: Named constant βnumsβ in variable definition context (assignment) at (1)
module even_digits
implicit none
public :: count_even_digits
function count_even_digits(nums) result(count)
integer, intent(in) :: nums(:)
integer :: count
integer :: i, digit
count = 0
do i = 1, size(nums)
digit = mod(nums(i), 10)
if (digit == 0) then
count = count + 1
end if
nums(i) = nums(i) / 10
end do
end function count_even_digits
end module even_digits
program main
use even_digits
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nums(4) = [12, 345, 2, 6, 7896]
integer :: count
count = count_even_digits(nums)
write (*, '(A, I0)') 'The number of even digits is: ', count
end program main
temp.f95:16:12: 16 | nums(i) = nums(i) / 10 | 1 Error: Dummy argument βnumsβ with INTENT(IN) in variable definition context (assignment) at (1) temp.f95:22:9: 22 | use even_digits | 1 Fatal Error: Cannot open module file βeven_digits.modβ for reading at (1): No such file or directory compilation terminated.
def min_perimeter(neededApples):
layer = 0
apples = 0
while apples < neededApples:
layer += 1
apples += 12 * layer
return 8 * layer
To solve this problem, we will start at the center of the garden (0, 0) and expand outwards in layers. Each new layer will enclose a new set of trees, and the number of apples in each tree can be calculated using the formula |i| + |j|. We keep track of the total apples acquired and continue expanding outwards until we have at least the number of apples needed (neededApples).
Since there are 4 corners in the square corresponding to each axis-aligned square plot, and each layer adds 2 trees per corner, we have a total of 8 trees added per layer. Thus, the perimeter added when expanding each layer is 8 units.
In each layer, we have 12 * layer of apples (this comes from calculating the number of apples added in each side of the square when expanding outwards, which forms a pattern).
The algorithm works as follows: 1. Initialize layer to 0 and apples to 0 2. While apples is less than neededApples, increment layer and add 12 * layer apples to the current count. 3. Return 8 * layer as the perimeter, as each layer increases the perimeter by 8 units.
This solution has a linear time complexity with respect to the number of apples needed.
int min_perimeter(int neededApples) {
int layer = 0;
int apples = 0;
while (apples < neededApples) {
apples += 12 * layer;
return 8 * layer;
To solve this problem, we will start at the center of the garden (0, 0) and expand outwards in layers. Each new layer will enclose a new set of trees, and the number of apples in each tree can be calculated using the formula |i| + |j|. We keep track of the total apples acquired and continue expanding outwards until we have at least the number of apples needed (neededApples).
Since there are 4 corners in the square corresponding to each axis-aligned square plot, and each layer adds 2 trees per corner, we have a total of 8 trees added per layer. Thus, the perimeter added when expanding each layer is 8 units.
In each layer, we have 12 * layer of apples (this comes from calculating the number of apples added in each side of the square when expanding outwards, which forms a pattern).
The algorithm works as follows: 1. Initialize layer to 0 and apples to 0 2. While apples is less than neededApples, increment layer and add 12 * layer apples to the current count. 3. Return 8 * layer as the perimeter, as each layer increases the perimeter by 8 units.
This solution has a linear time complexity with respect to the number of apples needed.