Given an m x n
binary matrix mat
, return the number of special positions in mat
A position (i, j)
is called special if mat[i][j] == 1
and all other elements in row i
and column j
are 0
(rows and columns are 0-indexed).
Example 1:
Input: mat = [[1,0,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]] Output: 1 Explanation: (1, 2) is a special position because mat[1][2] == 1 and all other elements in row 1 and column 2 are 0.
Example 2:
Input: mat = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] Output: 3 Explanation: (0, 0), (1, 1) and (2, 2) are special positions.
m == mat.length
n == mat[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 100
is either 0
or 1
.program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: m = 3, n = 3
integer :: i, j
logical :: is_special(m, n)
integer :: num_special
! Example 1
is_special(:, :) = .false.
is_special(1, 2) = .true.
write(*, '(I0)') count_special(is_special)
! Example 2
is_special(:, :) = .false.
is_special(1, 1) = .true.
is_special(2, 2) = .true.
write(*, '(I0)') count_special(is_special)
function count_special(mat) result(num_special)
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: mat(m, n)
integer :: i, j, num_special
do i = 1, m
do j = 1, n
if (mat(i, j)) then
if (all(mat(i, :) == 0) .and. all(mat(:, j) == 0)) then
num_special = num_special + 1
end if
end if
end do
end do
end function count_special
end program main
temp.f95:30:54: 30 | if (all(mat(i, :) == 0) .and. all(mat(:, j) == 0)) then | 1 Error: Operands of comparison operator ‘==’ at (1) are LOGICAL(4)/INTEGER(4)
program specialPositions
implicit none
integer, parameter :: m = 3, n = 3
integer :: mat(m, n)
integer :: i, j
integer :: specialPositions
! Read the matrix from the input
read(*,*) mat
! Initialize the number of special positions to 0
specialPositions = 0
! Loop through each row and column
do i = 1, m
do j = 1, n
! If the current element is 1 and all other elements in the row and column are 0, then it is a special position
if (mat(i, j) == 1 .and. all(mat(i, :) == 0) .and. all(mat(:, j) == 0)) then
specialPositions = specialPositions + 1
end if
end do
end do
! Print the number of special positions
write(*,*) specialPositions
end program specialPositions
This program uses a 2D array `mat` to store the input matrix. It then loops through each row and column, and checks if the current element is 1 and all other elements in the row and column are 0. If it is, then it is a special position, and the number of special positions is incremented. Finally, the number of special positions is printed to the console.
Note that this program assumes that the input matrix is square, and that the rows and columns are 0-indexed. If the input matrix is not square, or if the rows and columns are 1-indexed, then the program will need to be modified accordingly.
temp.f95:7:33: 7 | integer :: specialPositions | 1 Error: Symbol ‘specialpositions’ at (1) cannot have a type temp.f95:13:23: 13 | specialPositions = 0 | 1 Error: ‘specialpositions’ at (1) is not a variable temp.f95:20:32: 20 | specialPositions = specialPositions + 1 | 1 Error: ‘specialpositions’ at (1) is not a variable temp.f95:26:33: 26 | write(*,*) specialPositions | 1 Error: Symbol at (1) is not appropriate for an expression temp.f95:30:132: 30 | This program uses a 2D array `mat` to store the input matrix. It then loops through each row and column, and checks if the current element is 1 and all other elements in the row and column are 0. If it is, then it is a special position, and the number of special positions is incremented. Finally, the number of special positions is printed to the console. | 1 Error: Line truncated at (1) [-Werror=line-truncation] temp.f95:32:132: 32 | Note that this program assumes that the input matrix is square, and that the rows and columns are 0-indexed. If the input matrix is not square, or if the rows and columns are 1-indexed, then the program will need to be modified accordingly. | 1 Error: Line truncated at (1) [-Werror=line-truncation] f951: some warnings being treated as errors
class BrowserHistory:
def __init__(self, homepage: str):
self.history = [homepage]
self.current_index = 0
def visit(self, url: str):
self.history = self.history[:self.current_index + 1]
self.current_index += 1
def back(self, steps: int) -> str:
self.current_index -= min(steps, self.current_index)
return self.history[self.current_index]
def forward(self, steps:int) -> str:
self.current_index += min(steps, len(self.history) - 1 - self.current_index)
return self.history[self.current_index]
We have a BrowserHistory class which will keep track of visited urls as well as the current index of the history.
Whenever the object of the class is instantiated, we pass the homepage and store it in the history (array, list or vector) at 0 index.
For "visit(url)" function: - We will first resize the history (if needed) so that all the urls after the current index are removed, as whenever we visit a new URL, the forward history should be cleared. After that, we will append the new url and increment the current index.
For the "back(steps)" function:
- We move the current index by the minimum of steps
and the current index which ensures that the current index never goes below 0. And then, the function returns the URL at the updated index.
For the "forward(steps)" function:
- We move the current index by the minimum of steps
and the difference between the size of history and current index-1 (to ensure it doesn't exceed the index range). And then, return the URL at the updated index.
class BrowserHistory {
int currentIndex;
vector<string> history;
BrowserHistory(string homepage) {
currentIndex = 0;
void visit(string url) {
history.resize(currentIndex + 1);
string back(int steps) {
currentIndex -= min(steps, currentIndex);
return history[currentIndex];
string forward(int steps) {
currentIndex += min(steps, (int)(history.size() - 1 - currentIndex));
return history[currentIndex];
We have a BrowserHistory class which will keep track of visited urls as well as the current index of the history.
Whenever the object of the class is instantiated, we pass the homepage and store it in the history (array, list or vector) at 0 index.
For "visit(url)" function: - We will first resize the history (if needed) so that all the urls after the current index are removed, as whenever we visit a new URL, the forward history should be cleared. After that, we will append the new url and increment the current index.
For the "back(steps)" function:
- We move the current index by the minimum of steps
and the current index which ensures that the current index never goes below 0. And then, the function returns the URL at the updated index.
For the "forward(steps)" function:
- We move the current index by the minimum of steps
and the difference between the size of history and current index-1 (to ensure it doesn't exceed the index range). And then, return the URL at the updated index.