You are given an array of distinct integers arr
and an array of integer arrays pieces
, where the integers in pieces
are distinct. Your goal is to form arr
by concatenating the arrays in pieces
in any order. However, you are not allowed to reorder the integers in each array pieces[i]
Return true
if it is possible to form the array arr
from pieces
. Otherwise, return false
Example 1:
Input: arr = [15,88], pieces = [[88],[15]] Output: true Explanation: Concatenate [15] then [88]
Example 2:
Input: arr = [49,18,16], pieces = [[16,18,49]] Output: false Explanation: Even though the numbers match, we cannot reorder pieces[0].
Example 3:
Input: arr = [91,4,64,78], pieces = [[78],[4,64],[91]] Output: true Explanation: Concatenate [91] then [4,64] then [78]
1 <= pieces.length <= arr.length <= 100
sum(pieces[i].length) == arr.length
1 <= pieces[i].length <= arr.length
1 <= arr[i], pieces[i][j] <= 100
are distinct.pieces
are distinct (i.e., If we flatten pieces in a 1D array, all the integers in this array are distinct).program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 2
integer, parameter :: m = 3
integer, parameter :: arr(n) = [15, 88]
integer, parameter :: pieces(m, n) = reshape([88, 15, 49, 16, 18, 49], shape(pieces))
logical :: result
print '(L1)', canFormArray(arr, pieces)
function canFormArray(arr, pieces) result(res)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: arr(:), pieces(:, :)
logical :: res
integer :: i, j, k
res = .false.
do i = 1, size(pieces, 2)
do j = 1, size(pieces, 1)
if (any(arr /= pieces(j, :))) cycle
res = .true.
end do
if (res) exit
end do
end function canFormArray
end program main
program canFormArray
implicit none
integer, parameter :: int64 = selected_int_kind(13)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: arr
integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: pieces
logical :: canFormArray
integer :: i, j, k
read(*, *) arr
read(*, *) pieces
canFormArray = .true.
! Iterate over the arrays in pieces
do i = 1, size(pieces, 1)
! Iterate over the elements in the current array
do j = 1, size(pieces, 2)
! Check if the current element is in arr
do k = 1, size(arr)
if (pieces(i, j) == arr(k)) then
! If it is, remove it from arr
arr(k) = arr(size(arr))
end if
end do
end do
! If any element was not found in arr, return false
if (.not. all(pieces(i, :) == arr)) then
canFormArray = .false.
end if
end do
! If all elements were found in arr, return true
if (canFormArray) then
write (*, *) "True"
write (*, *) "False"
end if
end program canFormArray
temp.f95:9:29: 9 | logical :: canFormArray | 1 Error: Symbol ‘canformarray’ at (1) cannot have a type temp.f95:16:19: 16 | canFormArray = .true. | 1 Error: ‘canformarray’ at (1) is not a variable temp.f95:34:27: 34 | canFormArray = .false. | 1 Error: ‘canformarray’ at (1) is not a variable temp.f95:40:23: 40 | if (canFormArray) then | 1 Error: Symbol at (1) is not appropriate for an expression temp.f95:42:10: 42 | else | 1 Error: Unexpected ELSE statement at (1) temp.f95:44:9: 44 | end if | 1 Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)
def canFormArray(arr, pieces):
map = {piece[0]: piece for piece in pieces}
i = 0
while i < len(arr):
if arr[i] not in map:
return False
piece = map[arr[i]]
for num in piece:
if num != arr[i]:
return False
i += 1
return True
1. First, create a hash map (or, in Python, a dictionary) to store each `piece` in `pieces`, indexed by its first element.
to iterate through the arr
with the help of the hash map. If the element is not in the hash map, return false
because it means we can't form the array.pieces
. If they don't match, return false
. Otherwise, increment the index i
array, return true
.#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
bool canFormArray(std::vector<int>& arr, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& pieces) {
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> map;
for (auto& piece : pieces) {
map[piece[0]] = piece;
int i = 0;
while (i < arr.size()) {
if (map.find(arr[i]) == map.end()) {
return false;
std::vector<int>& piece = map[arr[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < piece.size(); ++j) {
if (piece[j] != arr[i]) {
return false;
return true;
1. First, create a hash map (or, in Python, a dictionary) to store each `piece` in `pieces`, indexed by its first element.
to iterate through the arr
with the help of the hash map. If the element is not in the hash map, return false
because it means we can't form the array.pieces
. If they don't match, return false
. Otherwise, increment the index i
array, return true