Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.

An input string is valid if:

  1. Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
  2. Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
  3. Every close bracket has a corresponding open bracket of the same type.

Example 1:

Input: s = "() " Output: true

Example 2:

Input: s = "()[]{} " Output: true

Example 3:

Input: s = "(] " Output: false


  • 1 <= s.length <= 104
  • s consists of parentheses only '()[]{}'.

Note: This problem is from LeetCode.
βœ… Compiled
βœ… Executed
⚠️ Correct
program main
    implicit none

    character(len=100) :: s
    logical :: valid

    ! Example 1
    s = '() '
    write(*,*) 'Example 1:'
    write(*,*) 'Input: ', trim(s)
    valid = is_valid(s)
    write(*,*) 'Output: ', valid
    write(*,*) ''

    ! Example 2
    s = '()[]{}'
    write(*,*) 'Example 2:'
    write(*,*) 'Input: ', trim(s)
    valid = is_valid(s)
    write(*,*) 'Output: ', valid
    write(*,*) ''

    ! Example 3
    s = '(\]'
    write(*,*) 'Example 3:'
    write(*,*) 'Input: ', trim(s)
    valid = is_valid(s)
    write(*,*) 'Output: ', valid
    write(*,*) ''


    function is_valid(s) result(valid)
        implicit none
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
        integer :: i, j, n_open_brackets
        character(len=1) :: c
        logical :: valid

        valid = .true.
        n_open_brackets = 0

        do i = 1, len(s)
            c = s(i:i)
            select case (c)
                case ('(')
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets + 1
                case (')')
                    if (n_open_brackets == 0) then
                        valid = .false.
                    end if
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets - 1
                case ('[')
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets + 1
                case (']')
                    if (n_open_brackets == 0) then
                        valid = .false.
                    end if
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets - 1
                case ('{')
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets + 1
                case ('}')
                    if (n_open_brackets == 0) then
                        valid = .false.
                    end if
                    n_open_brackets = n_open_brackets - 1
                case default
            end select
        end do

        if (n_open_brackets /= 0) then
            valid = .false.
        end if

    end function is_valid

end program main
❌ Compiled
❌ Executed
❌ Correct
program main

implicit none

character(len=*), parameter :: INPUT_FILE_NAME = "input.txt"
character(len=1000000) :: s
integer :: i, j, n
logical :: valid

! Read the input string from the file
open(unit=10, file=INPUT_FILE_NAME, status="old")
read(10, *) s

! Initialize the stack
n = len(s)
do i = 1, n
    if (s(i:i) == "(" .or. s(i:i) == "[" .or. s(i:i) == "{") then
        call push(s(i:i))
    else if (s(i:i) == ")" .or. s(i:i) == "]" .or. s(i:i) == "}") then
        call pop(s(i:i))
    end if
end do

! Check if the stack is empty
if (size(stack) == 0) then
    valid = .true.
    valid = .false.
end if

! Print the result
if (valid) then
    print *, "The input string is valid."
    print *, "The input string is not valid."
end if


subroutine push(c)
    character(len=1), intent(in) :: c
    integer :: i

    ! Check if the stack is full
    if (size(stack) == 1000000) then
        print *, "The stack is full."
    end if

    ! Push the character onto the stack
    stack(size(stack) + 1) = c
end subroutine push

subroutine pop(c)
    character(len=1), intent(in) :: c
    integer :: i

    ! Check if the stack is empty
    if (size(stack) == 0) then
        print *, "The stack is empty."
    end if

    ! Pop the character from the stack
    stack(size(stack)) = ""
    stack = stack(1:size(stack) - 1)
end subroutine pop

end program main
🌐 Data from online sources
def is_valid(s: str) -> bool:
    stack = []

    for c in s:
        if c in '([{':
            if not stack:
                return False
            if c == ')' and stack[-1] != '(':
                return False
            if c == '}' and stack[-1] != '{':
                return False
            if c == ']' and stack[-1] != '[':
                return False

    return not stack

The algorithm uses a stack data structure to check the validity of the input string. It iterates through the string one character at a time. When an open bracket is encountered, it is pushed onto the stack. When a close bracket is encountered, the algorithm checks if the stack is empty or the corresponding open bracket is not at the top of the stack. If either of these conditions is true, the function returns false. If not, the open bracket is popped from the stack. After iterating through the entire string, the function checks if the stack is empty. If the stack is not empty, the function returns false, indicating there were unmatched open braces. Otherwise, the function returns true, indicating that the string is valid.

🌐 Data from online sources
bool isValid(std::string s) {
    std::stack<char> stack;

    for (char c : s) {
        if (c == '(' || c == '{' || c == '[') {
        } else {
            if (stack.empty()) return false;
            if (c == ')' && != '(') return false;
            if (c == '}' && != '{') return false;
            if (c == ']' && != '[') return false;

    return stack.empty();

The algorithm uses a stack data structure to check the validity of the input string. It iterates through the string one character at a time. When an open bracket is encountered, it is pushed onto the stack. When a close bracket is encountered, the algorithm checks if the stack is empty or the corresponding open bracket is not at the top of the stack. If either of these conditions is true, the function returns false. If not, the open bracket is popped from the stack. After iterating through the entire string, the function checks if the stack is empty. If the stack is not empty, the function returns false, indicating there were unmatched open braces. Otherwise, the function returns true, indicating that the string is valid.