You are given two strings current
and correct
representing two 24-hour times.
24-hour times are formatted as "HH:MM "
, where HH
is between 00
and 23
, and MM
is between 00
and 59
. The earliest 24-hour time is 00:00
, and the latest is 23:59
In one operation you can increase the time current
by 1
, 5
, 15
, or 60
minutes. You can perform this operation any number of times.
Return the minimum number of operations needed to convert current
to correct
Example 1:
Input: current = "02:30 ", correct = "04:35 " Output: 3 Explanation: We can convert current to correct in 3 operations as follows: - Add 60 minutes to current. current becomes "03:30 ". - Add 60 minutes to current. current becomes "04:30 ". - Add 5 minutes to current. current becomes "04:35 ". It can be proven that it is not possible to convert current to correct in fewer than 3 operations.
Example 2:
Input: current = "11:00 ", correct = "11:01 " Output: 1 Explanation: We only have to add one minute to current, so the minimum number of operations needed is 1.
and correct
are in the format "HH:MM "
current <= correct
program main
implicit none
character(len=8) :: current, correct
integer :: n_ops
! Example 1
current = '02:30 '
correct = '04:35 '
write (*,*) 'Example 1:'
call solve(current, correct, n_ops)
write (*,'(A,I0)') 'Number of operations: ', n_ops
! Example 2
current = '11:00 '
correct = '11:01 '
write (*,*) 'Example 2:'
call solve(current, correct, n_ops)
write (*,'(A,I0)') 'Number of operations: ', n_ops
subroutine solve(current, correct, n_ops)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: current, correct
integer, intent(out) :: n_ops
integer :: hh_curr, mm_curr, hh_corr, mm_corr
read (current, fmt='(I2, A, I2)') hh_curr, ':', mm_curr
read (correct, fmt='(I2, A, I2)') hh_corr, ':', mm_corr
if (hh_curr == hh_corr .and. mm_curr == mm_corr) then
n_ops = 0
end if
if (hh_curr < hh_corr .or. (hh_curr == hh_corr .and. mm_curr < mm_corr)) then
n_ops = 1
end if
if (mm_curr + 1 == mm_corr) then
n_ops = 2
end if
if (mm_curr + 5 == mm_corr) then
n_ops = 3
end if
if (mm_curr + 15 == mm_corr) then
n_ops = 4
end if
if (mm_curr + 60 == mm_corr) then
n_ops = 5
end if
stop 'Invalid input'
end subroutine solve
end program main
temp.f95:29:51: 29 | read (current, fmt='(I2, A, I2)') hh_curr, ':', mm_curr | 1 Error: Expecting variable in READ statement at (1) temp.f95:30:51: 30 | read (correct, fmt='(I2, A, I2)') hh_corr, ':', mm_corr | 1 Error: Expecting variable in READ statement at (1)
! This is a Fortran implementation of the problem.
! The program takes two command line arguments: current and correct.
! The program outputs the minimum number of operations needed to convert current
! to correct.
program main
implicit none
character(len=5) :: current, correct
integer :: n_operations
! Read the input from the command line
read(*,*) current, correct
! Convert the strings to integers
read(current,*) n_operations
! Calculate the number of operations needed to convert current to correct
n_operations = calculate_n_operations(n_operations, correct)
! Print the result
write(*,*) n_operations
! This function calculates the minimum number of operations needed to convert
! current to correct.
function calculate_n_operations(current, correct) result(n_operations)
implicit none
character(len=5), intent(in) :: current, correct
integer :: n_operations
! Initialize the number of operations to 0
n_operations = 0
! Loop until current is equal to correct
do while (.not. equal_times(current, correct))
! Increment the number of operations
n_operations = n_operations + 1
! Increment current by 1 minute
current = increment_time(current)
end do
end function calculate_n_operations
! This function checks if two times are equal.
function equal_times(time1, time2) result(equal)
implicit none
character(len=5), intent(in) :: time1, time2
logical :: equal
! Check if the hours are equal
if (time1(1:2) /= time2(1:2)) then
equal = .false.
end if
! Check if the minutes are equal
if (time1(4:5) /= time2(4:5)) then
equal = .false.
end if
! If we reach this point, the times are equal
equal = .true.
end function equal_times
! This function increments a time by 1 minute.
function increment_time(time) result(new_time)
implicit none
character(len=5), intent(in) :: time
character(len=5) :: new_time
! Increment the minutes
if (time(4:5) == "59") then
new_time = "00:00"
new_time = time(1:4) // int_to_str(int(time(4:5)) + 1)
end if
end function increment_time
! This function converts an integer to a string.
function int_to_str(n) result(str)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
character(len=2) :: str
write(str,*) n
end function int_to_str
end program main
temp.f95:90:51: 90 | new_time = time(1:4) // int_to_str(int(time(4:5)) + 1) | 1 Error: βaβ argument of βintβ intrinsic at (1) must have a numeric type temp.f95:46:12: 46 | current = increment_time(current) | 1 Error: Dummy argument βcurrentβ with INTENT(IN) in variable definition context (assignment) at (1) temp.f95:20:19: 20 | n_operations = calculate_n_operations(n_operations, correct) | 1 Error: Type mismatch in argument βcurrentβ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to CHARACTER(5)
def minimum_operations(current: str, correct: str) -> int:
ch, cm = map(int, current.split(':'))
th, tm = map(int, correct.split(':'))
ct = ch * 60 + cm
tt = th * 60 + tm
operations = 0
while ct < tt:
if tt - ct >= 60:
ct += 60
elif tt - ct >= 15:
ct += 15
elif tt - ct >= 5:
ct += 5
ct += 1
operations += 1
return operations
The approach to solving this problem is fairly straightforward. First, we parse the input strings 'current' and 'correct' into hours and minutes. We then calculate the total minutes for both 'current' (ct) and 'correct' (tt).
We initialize a variable operations
tokeep track of the minimum number of operations needed.
Using a while loop, we check if ct is smaller than tt indicating that we still need to perform operations. In each iteration, we choose the largest operation possible (60, 15, 5, or 1 minute(s)) based on the difference between tt and ct. After performing the operation, we increment the operations counter.
The final result is the value of the operations
counter at the end of the loop.
int minimumOperations(string current, string correct) {
int ch = stoi(current.substr(0, 2)), cm = stoi(current.substr(3));
int th = stoi(correct.substr(0, 2)), tm = stoi(correct.substr(3));
int ct = ch * 60 + cm, tt = th * 60 + tm;
int operations = 0;
while (ct < tt) {
if (tt - ct >= 60)
ct += 60;
else if (tt - ct >= 15)
ct += 15;
else if (tt - ct >= 5)
ct += 5;
ct += 1;
return operations;
The approach to solving this problem is fairly straightforward. First, we parse the input strings 'current' and 'correct' into hours and minutes. We then calculate the total minutes for both 'current' (ct) and 'correct' (tt).
We initialize a variable operations
tokeep track of the minimum number of operations needed.
Using a while loop, we check if ct is smaller than tt indicating that we still need to perform operations. In each iteration, we choose the largest operation possible (60, 15, 5, or 1 minute(s)) based on the difference between tt and ct. After performing the operation, we increment the operations counter.
The final result is the value of the operations
counter at the end of the loop.