Moving Average from Data Stream

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Given a stream of integers and a window size, calculate the moving average of all integers in the sliding window.

Implement the MovingAverage class:

  • MovingAverage(int size) Initializes the object with the size of the window size.
  • double next(int val) Returns the moving average of the last size values of the stream.

Example 1:

Input [ "MovingAverage ", "next ", "next ", "next ", "next "] [[3], [1], [10], [3], [5]] Output [null, 1.0, 5.5, 4.66667, 6.0]

Explanation MovingAverage movingAverage = new MovingAverage(3);; // return 1.0 = 1 / 1; // return 5.5 = (1 + 10) / 2; // return 4.66667 = (1 + 10 + 3) / 3; // return 6.0 = (10 + 3 + 5) / 3


  • 1 <= size <= 1000
  • -105 <= val <= 105
  • At most 104 calls will be made to next.

Note: This problem is from LeetCode.
āŒ Compiled
āŒ Executed
āŒ Correct
program main
    use :: moving_average_mod
    implicit none

    type(MovingAverage) :: moving_average
    integer :: i, n
    integer, parameter :: size = 3

    ! Example 1
    write (*, "(A)") "Example 1:"
    write (*, "(A)") "Input:"
    write (*, "(A)") "[ 'MovingAverage ', 'next ', 'next ', 'next ', 'next ']"
    write (*, "(A)") "["
    do i = 1, size
        write (*, "(I0)", advance="no") i
        if (i < size) then
            write (*, "(A)", advance="no") ", "
        end if
    end do
    write (*, *) "]"
    write (*, "(A)") "Output:"
    write (*, "(A)") "[null, 1.0, 5.5, 4.66667, 6.0]"
    write (*, "(A)") ""

    moving_average = MovingAverage(size)
    do i = 1, size
        call moving_average%next(i)
    end do
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(3)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(10)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(3)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(5)

    ! Example 2
    write (*, "(A)") "Example 2:"
    write (*, "(A)") "Input:"
    write (*, "(A)") "[ 'MovingAverage ', 'next ', 'next ', 'next ', 'next ']"
    write (*, "(A)") "["
    do i = 1, size
        write (*, "(I0)", advance="no") i
        if (i < size) then
            write (*, "(A)", advance="no") ", "
        end if
    end do
    write (*, *) "]"
    write (*, "(A)") "Output:"
    write (*, "(A)") "[null, 1.0, 5.5, 4.66667, 6.0]"
    write (*, "(A)") ""

    moving_average = MovingAverage(size)
    do i = 1, size
        call moving_average%next(i)
    end do
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(3)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(10)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(3)
    write (*, "(F8.5)") moving_average%next(5)

end program main

module moving_average_mod
    implicit none

    public :: MovingAverage

    type :: MovingAverage
        integer :: size
        real, allocatable :: buffer(:)
        procedure :: next => next_moving_average
    end type MovingAverage


    function next_moving_average(this, val) result(res)
        class(MovingAverage), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, value :: val
        real :: res

        if (.not. allocated(this%buffer)) then
            this%buffer = 0.0
        end if

        this%buffer(1:this%size-1) = this%buffer(2:this%size)
        this%buffer(this%size) = val

        res = sum(this%buffer) / real(this%size)

    end function next_moving_average

end module moving_average_mod
āŒ Compiled
āŒ Executed
āŒ Correct
module MovingAverage
    implicit none

    type :: MovingAverage
        integer :: size
        real(kind=8), allocatable :: values(:)
        real(kind=8) :: sum
        procedure :: next
    end type MovingAverage

    interface MovingAverage
        module procedure :: createMovingAverage
    end interface MovingAverage


    function createMovingAverage(size) result(movingAverage)
        integer, intent(in) :: size
        type(MovingAverage) :: movingAverage

        movingAverage%size = size
        movingAverage%sum = 0.0d0
    end function createMovingAverage

    function next(movingAverage, val) result(average)
        class(MovingAverage), intent(inout) :: movingAverage
        integer, intent(in) :: val
        real(kind=8) :: average
        integer :: i

        movingAverage%sum = movingAverage%sum - movingAverage%values(1) + val
        movingAverage%values(1:size-1) = movingAverage%values(2:size)
        movingAverage%values(size) = val

        average = movingAverage%sum / size
    end function next

end module MovingAverage

program main
    use MovingAverage
    implicit none

    integer :: i, n
    integer, allocatable :: values(:)
    type(MovingAverage) :: movingAverage

    ! read input
    read(*,*) n
    do i = 1, n
        read(*,*) values(i)
    end do

    ! create moving average object
    movingAverage = createMovingAverage(n)

    ! calculate moving average for each value
    do i = 1, n
        write(*,*) next(movingAverage, values(i))
    end do

end program main
šŸŒ Data from online sources
from collections import deque

class MovingAverage:
    def __init__(self, size: int):
        self.queue = deque()
        self.maxSize = size
        self.sum = 0.0

    def next(self, val: int) -> float:
        if len(self.queue) == self.maxSize:
            self.sum -= self.queue.popleft()
        self.sum += val
        return self.sum / len(self.queue)

The algorithm uses a queue to maintain a sliding window of the last size values of the stream. When a new value is added, the algorithm checks the size of the queue. If it equals size, the oldest value is removed from the front of the queue by updating the sum and popping it. Then, the new value is added to the back of the queue, and the sum is updated. The average is returned by dividing the sum by the number of values currently in the queue. The time complexity of the next function is O(1).

šŸŒ Data from online sources
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

class MovingAverage {
    queue<int> q;
    int maxSize;
    double sum;

    MovingAverage(int size) {
        maxSize = size;
        sum = 0;

    double next(int val) {
        if (q.size() == maxSize) {
            sum -= q.front();
        sum += val;
        return sum / q.size();

The algorithm uses a queue to maintain a sliding window of the last size values of the stream. When a new value is added, the algorithm checks the size of the queue. If it equals size, the oldest value is removed from the front of the queue by updating the sum and popping it. Then, the new value is added to the back of the queue, and the sum is updated. The average is returned by dividing the sum by the number of values currently in the queue. The time complexity of the next function is O(1).