You are given an integer array cost
where cost[i]
is the cost of ith
step on a staircase. Once you pay the cost, you can either climb one or two steps.
You can either start from the step with index 0
, or the step with index 1
Return the minimum cost to reach the top of the floor.
Example 1:
Input: cost = [10,15,20] Output: 15 Explanation: You will start at index 1. - Pay 15 and climb two steps to reach the top. The total cost is 15.
Example 2:
Input: cost = [1,100,1,1,1,100,1,1,100,1] Output: 6 Explanation: You will start at index 0. - Pay 1 and climb two steps to reach index 2. - Pay 1 and climb two steps to reach index 4. - Pay 1 and climb two steps to reach index 6. - Pay 1 and climb one step to reach index 7. - Pay 1 and climb two steps to reach index 9. - Pay 1 and climb one step to reach the top. The total cost is 6.
2 <= cost.length <= 1000
0 <= cost[i] <= 999
program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3 ! number of steps
integer, dimension(n) :: cost = (/ 10, 15, 20 /) ! cost of each step
integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
integer :: min_cost
! solve the problem
min_cost = solve(cost)
! print the solution
write (*, '(A, I0)') 'Minimum cost: ', min_cost
function solve(cost) result(min_cost)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: cost(:)
integer :: min_cost
integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
min_cost = huge(1_8) ! initialize with a large value
do i = 1, size(cost) - 1
do j = i + 1, size(cost)
if (cost(i) + cost(j) < min_cost) then
min_cost = cost(i) + cost(j)
end if
end do
end do
end function solve
end program main
temp.f95:6:31: 6 | integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z | 1 Error: Symbol ‘n’ at (1) already has basic type of INTEGER temp.f95:23:19: 23 | min_cost = huge(1_8) ! initialize with a large value | 1 Error: Arithmetic overflow converting INTEGER(8) to INTEGER(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option ‘-fno-range-check’
module MinCostClimbingStairs
implicit none
public :: minCostClimbingStairs
function minCostClimbingStairs(cost) result(minCost)
integer, intent(in) :: cost(:)
integer :: minCost
integer :: dp(size(cost))
integer :: i
! Initialize the dynamic programming array
dp(1) = cost(1)
dp(2) = cost(2)
! Loop through the remaining steps
do i = 3, size(cost)
dp(i) = min(dp(i-1), dp(i-2)) + cost(i)
end do
! Return the minimum cost
minCost = min(dp(size(cost)-1), dp(size(cost)))
end function minCostClimbingStairs
end module MinCostClimbingStairs
program test_minCostClimbingStairs
use MinCostClimbingStairs
implicit none
integer, parameter :: cost(3) = [10, 15, 20]
integer, parameter :: cost2(10) = [1, 100, 1, 1, 1, 100, 1, 1, 100, 1]
integer :: minCost
! Test case 1
minCost = minCostClimbingStairs(cost)
write (*,*) "Min cost: ", minCost
! Test case 2
minCost = minCostClimbingStairs(cost2)
write (*,*) "Min cost: ", minCost
end program test_minCostClimbingStairs
temp.f95:4:35: 4 | public :: minCostClimbingStairs | 1 Error: PUBLIC attribute applied to MODULE mincostclimbingstairs at (1) temp.f95:6:34: 6 | function minCostClimbingStairs(cost) result(minCost) | 1 Error: MODULE attribute of ‘mincostclimbingstairs’ conflicts with PROCEDURE attribute at (1) temp.f95:7:38: 7 | integer, intent(in) :: cost(:) | 1 Error: Unexpected data declaration statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:8:26: 8 | integer :: minCost | 1 Error: Unexpected data declaration statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:9:27: 9 | integer :: dp(size(cost)) | 1 Error: Symbol ‘cost’ is used before it is typed at (1) temp.f95:10:20: 10 | integer :: i | 1 Error: Unexpected data declaration statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:13:23: 13 | dp(1) = cost(1) | 1 Error: Unexpected assignment statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:14:23: 14 | dp(2) = cost(2) | 1 Error: Unexpected assignment statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:17:28: 17 | do i = 3, size(cost) | 1 Error: Unexpected DO statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:18:51: 18 | dp(i) = min(dp(i-1), dp(i-2)) + cost(i) | 1 Error: Unexpected assignment statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:19:11: 19 | end do | 1 Error: Expecting END MODULE statement at (1) temp.f95:22:55: 22 | minCost = min(dp(size(cost)-1), dp(size(cost))) | 1 Error: Unexpected assignment statement in CONTAINS section at (1) temp.f95:23:7: 23 | end function minCostClimbingStairs | 1 Error: Expecting END MODULE statement at (1) temp.f95:27:9: 27 | use MinCostClimbingStairs | 1 Fatal Error: Cannot open module file ‘mincostclimbingstairs.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory compilation terminated.
class WordFilter:
def __init__(self, words):
self.dict = {}
for i, word in enumerate(words):
for j in range(len(word) + 1):
self.dict[word[:j] + "#" + word[j:]] = i
def f(self, prefix, suffix):
return self.dict.get(prefix + "#" + suffix, -1)
1. We create a hash table called `dict`.
list, we iterate through each character position in the word.dict
hash table with the corresponding index of the word in the list as its value.f
function is called with a given prefix and suffix, we search for the combined string (prefix + '#' + suffix) in the dict
. If it exists, we return the index value stored for that string, otherwise we return -1.#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class WordFilter {
unordered_map<string, int> dict;
WordFilter(vector<string>& words) {
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j <= words[i].size(); ++j) {
dict[words[i].substr(0, j) + "#" + words[i].substr(j)] = i;
int f(string prefix, string suffix) {
auto it = dict.find(prefix + "#" + suffix);
if (it == dict.end()) {
return -1;
return it->second;
1. We create a hash table called `dict`.
list, we iterate through each character position in the word.dict
hash table with the corresponding index of the word in the list as its value.f
function is called with a given prefix and suffix, we search for the combined string (prefix + '#' + suffix) in the dict
. If it exists, we return the index value stored for that string, otherwise we return -1.