X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards

🏠 ⬅️ ➡️

You are given an integer array deck where deck[i] represents the number written on the ith card.

Partition the cards into one or more groups such that:

  • Each group has exactly x cards where x > 1, and
  • All the cards in one group have the same integer written on them.

Return true if such partition is possible, or false otherwise.

Example 1:

Input: deck = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1] Output: true Explanation: Possible partition [1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4].

Example 2:

Input: deck = [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3] Output: false Explanation: No possible partition.


  • 1 <= deck.length <= 104
  • 0 <= deck[i] < 104

Note: This problem is from LeetCode.
program main
    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: n = 8
    integer, dimension(n) :: deck = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1 /)
    logical :: result

    print '(L1)', solve(deck)


    function solve(deck) result(result)
        implicit none
        integer, intent(in) :: deck(:)
        integer :: x, i, j
        logical :: found

        do x = 2, size(deck)
            found = .false.
            do i = 1, size(deck) - x + 1
                if (all(deck(i:i+x-1) == deck(i))) then
                    found = .true.
                end if
            end do
            if (found) then
                result = .true.
            end if
        end do
        result = .false.
    end function solve
end program main
module partition
  implicit none
  function can_partition(deck) result(can_part)
    integer, intent(in) :: deck(:)
    integer :: i, j, x, y, n, sum
    logical :: can_part

    ! Initialize variables
    n = size(deck)
    sum = sum(deck)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    can_part = .false.

    ! Check if the sum of the elements in the array is even
    if (mod(sum, 2) /= 0) then
    end if

    ! Check if there is at least one element in the array that is greater than 1
    do i = 1, n
      if (deck(i) > 1) then
        x = deck(i)
      end if
    end do
    if (x == 0) then
    end if

    ! Check if there is at least one element in the array that is less than x
    do i = 1, n
      if (deck(i) < x) then
        y = deck(i)
      end if
    end do
    if (y == 0) then
    end if

    ! Check if the sum of the elements in the array is equal to the sum of the elements in the x group
    do i = 1, n
      if (deck(i) == x) then
        j = i
        do while (j <= n)
          if (deck(j) /= x) then
          end if
          j = j + 1
        end do
        if (mod(j - i, x) == 0) then
          can_part = .true.
        end if
      end if
    end do
  end function can_partition
end module partition

program main
  use partition
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: n = 8
  integer :: deck(n) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  logical :: can_part

  can_part = can_partition(deck)
  if (can_part) then
    print *, "Partition possible"
    print *, "Partition not possible"
  end if
end program main
🌐 Data from online sources
import random
from bisect import bisect_left

class Solution:
    def __init__(self, rects):
        self.rects = rects
        self.areas = []
        self.total_area = 0
        for rect in rects:
            area = (rect[2] - rect[0] + 1) * (rect[3] - rect[1] + 1)
            self.total_area += area

    def pick(self):
        random_area = random.randint(0, self.total_area - 1)
        rect_index = bisect_left(self.areas, random_area + 1)

        x = random.randint(self.rects[rect_index][0], self.rects[rect_index][2])
        y = random.randint(self.rects[rect_index][1], self.rects[rect_index][3])

        return [x, y]
The algorithm starts by initializing the data structures: input rectangles (rects), individual areas (areas), total area (total_area), and random number generator (Random for Python and JavaScript, Random for Java, default_random_engine for C++). For every input rectangle, it calculates its area and updates the areas and total_area.

To pick a random point inside a rectangle, the algorithm performs the following steps:

  1. Generate a random integer (random_area) between 0 and total_area - 1.
  2. Find the index (rect_index) of the first rectangle whose area is greater than the generated random number (this is the selected rectangle).
  3. Generate a random integer (x) between the minimum and maximum x-values of the selected rectangle.
  4. Generate a random integer (y) between the minimum and maximum y-values of the selected rectangle.
  5. Return the generated point [x, y].

This algorithm ensures that any integer point inside the space covered by one of the given rectangles is equally likely to be returned.

🌐 Data from online sources
#include <vector>
#include <random>

class Solution {
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> rects;
    std::vector<int> areas;
    int total_area;
    std::default_random_engine generator;

    Solution(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& rectangles) {
        rects = rectangles;
        total_area = 0;
        for (const auto& rect : rects) {
            int area = (rect[2] - rect[0] + 1) * (rect[3] - rect[1] + 1);
            total_area += area;

    std::vector<int> pick() {
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> area_distribution(0, total_area - 1);
        int random_area = area_distribution(generator);
        int rect_index = std::lower_bound(areas.begin(), areas.end(), random_area + 1) - areas.begin();

        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> x_distribution(rects[rect_index][0], rects[rect_index][2]);
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> y_distribution(rects[rect_index][1], rects[rect_index][3]);

        int x = x_distribution(generator);
        int y = y_distribution(generator);

        return {x, y};
The algorithm starts by initializing the data structures: input rectangles (rects), individual areas (areas), total area (total_area), and random number generator (Random for Python and JavaScript, Random for Java, default_random_engine for C++). For every input rectangle, it calculates its area and updates the areas and total_area.

To pick a random point inside a rectangle, the algorithm performs the following steps:

  1. Generate a random integer (random_area) between 0 and total_area - 1.
  2. Find the index (rect_index) of the first rectangle whose area is greater than the generated random number (this is the selected rectangle).
  3. Generate a random integer (x) between the minimum and maximum x-values of the selected rectangle.
  4. Generate a random integer (y) between the minimum and maximum y-values of the selected rectangle.
  5. Return the generated point [x, y].

This algorithm ensures that any integer point inside the space covered by one of the given rectangles is equally likely to be returned.