Your friend is typing his name
into a keyboard. Sometimes, when typing a character c
, the key might get long pressed, and the character will be typed 1 or more times.
You examine the typed
characters of the keyboard. Return True
if it is possible that it was your friends name, with some characters (possibly none) being long pressed.
Example 1:
Input: name = "alex ", typed = "aaleex " Output: true Explanation: 'a' and 'e' in 'alex' were long pressed.
Example 2:
Input: name = "saeed ", typed = "ssaaedd " Output: false Explanation: 'e' must have been pressed twice, but it was not in the typed output.
1 <= name.length, typed.length <= 1000
and typed
consist of only lowercase English letters.program main
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=1000) :: name, typed
do i = 1, size(examples)
read(examples(i), *) name, typed
write(*,*) solve(name, typed)
end do
function solve(name, typed) result(res)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name, typed
logical :: res
! TODO: Implement me
end function solve
character(len=1000), parameter :: examples(3) = ["alex ", &
"saeed ", &
"leelee "]
end program main
temp.f95:23:61: 23 | character(len=1000), parameter :: examples(3) = ["alex ", & | 1 Error: Different CHARACTER lengths (5/6) in array constructor at (1) temp.f95:8:13: 8 | read(examples(i), *) name, typed | 1 Error: Function โexamplesโ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type temp.f95:7:27: 7 | do i = 1, size(examples) | 1 Error: Symbol โexamplesโ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
module long_pressed_name
implicit none
function is_long_pressed_name(name, typed) result(is_valid)
! Declare the input and output variables
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: typed
logical :: is_valid
! Declare the local variables
integer :: i, j
! Initialize the output variable
is_valid = .false.
! Check if the length of the name and typed strings are the same
if (len(name) /= len(typed)) then
! Initialize the indices for the name and typed strings
i = 1
j = 1
! Loop through the characters of the name and typed strings
do while (i <= len(name) .and. j <= len(typed))
! Check if the characters match
if (name(i:i) == typed(j:j)) then
! Increment the indices
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
! Check if the typed character is the same as the previous character
if (j > 1 .and. typed(j-1:j-1) == typed(j:j)) then
! Increment the index of the typed string
j = j + 1
! The characters do not match, return false
! Check if all the characters of the name have been matched
if (i > len(name)) then
is_valid = .true.
end function is_long_pressed_name
end module long_pressed_name
! Test the function with the provided examples
program test_long_pressed_name
use long_pressed_name
implicit none
! Declare the variables
character(len=1000) :: name
character(len=1000) :: typed
logical :: is_valid
! Test case 1:
name = "alex "
typed = "aaleex "
is_valid = is_long_pressed_name(name, typed)
if (is_valid) then
print *, "Test case 1: Pass"
print *, "Test case 1: Fail"
! Test case 2:
name = "saeed "
typed = "ssaaedd "
is_valid = is_long_pressed_name(name, typed)
if (.not. is_valid) then
print *, "Test case 2: Pass"
print *, "Test case 2: Fail"
! Test case 3:
name = "leelee "
typed = "lleeelee "
is_valid = is_long_pressed_name(name, typed)
if (is_valid) then
print *, "Test case 3: Pass"
print *, "Test case 3: Fail"
! Test case 4:
name = "laiden "
typed = "laiden "
is_valid = is_long_pressed_name(name, typed)
if (is_valid) then
print *, "Test case 4: Pass"
print *, "Test case 4: Fail"
! Test case 5:
name = "laiden "
typed = "laiden "
is_valid = is_long_pressed_name(name, typed)
if (is_valid) then
print *, "Test case 5: Pass"
print *, "Test case 5: Fail"
end program test_long_pressed_name
Test case 1: Fail Test case 2: Pass Test case 3: Fail Test case 4: Pass Test case 5: Pass
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
class Solution:
def constructFromPrePost(self, pre, post):
def buildTree(preStart, preEnd, postStart, postEnd):
if preStart == preEnd:
return None
root = TreeNode(pre[preStart])
if preStart + 1 == preEnd:
return root
leftRoot = pre[preStart + 1]
leftSize = 0
for i in range(postStart, postEnd):
if post[i] == leftRoot:
leftSize = i - postStart + 1
root.left = buildTree(preStart + 1, preStart + 1 + leftSize, postStart, postStart + leftSize)
root.right = buildTree(preStart + 1 + leftSize, preEnd, postStart + leftSize, postEnd - 1)
return root
return buildTree(0, len(pre), 0, len(post))
The reconstruction of binary tree can be done using a divide-and-conquer strategy.
index - postStart + 1
.preStart + 1
and preStart + 1 + leftSize
in the preorder array, postStart
and postStart + leftSize
in the postorder array.preStart + 1 + leftSize
and preEnd
in the preorder array, postStart + leftSize
and postEnd - 1
in the postorder array.The overall time complexity is O(N^2) due to finding the index of the left subtree root. The space complexity is O(N) because of the recursion stack.
struct TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
class Solution {
TreeNode* constructFromPrePost(vector<int>& preorder, vector<int>& postorder) {
return buildTree(preorder, 0, preorder.size(), postorder, 0, postorder.size());
TreeNode* buildTree(vector<int>& pre, int preStart, int preEnd, vector<int>& post, int postStart, int postEnd) {
if (preStart == preEnd) return nullptr;
TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(pre[preStart]);
if (preStart + 1 == preEnd) return root;
int leftRoot = pre[preStart + 1];
int leftSize = 0;
for (int i = postStart; i < postEnd; ++i) {
if (post[i] == leftRoot) {
leftSize = i - postStart + 1;
root->left = buildTree(pre, preStart + 1, preStart + 1 + leftSize, post, postStart, postStart + leftSize);
root->right = buildTree(pre, preStart + 1 + leftSize, preEnd, post, postStart + leftSize, postEnd - 1);
return root;
The reconstruction of binary tree can be done using a divide-and-conquer strategy.
index - postStart + 1
.preStart + 1
and preStart + 1 + leftSize
in the preorder array, postStart
and postStart + leftSize
in the postorder array.preStart + 1 + leftSize
and preEnd
in the preorder array, postStart + leftSize
and postEnd - 1
in the postorder array.The overall time complexity is O(N^2) due to finding the index of the left subtree root. The space complexity is O(N) because of the recursion stack.